Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 5, 2011

selena gomez wallpapers latest

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  • AlphaBob
    Jan 30, 05:12 PM
    I am gambling my extra money on geopolitical actions. Bottom line is I don't mind taking a chance on my research, especially with the tensions in the middle east.

    Time will tell of course. But if you think about it, the run-up in the price of gold has been post 9/11 and due to tension in the middle east. For more than six plus years the theory is that the world is coming to an end. Rightly or wrongly that theory is tightly bound to the current sitting president. When George Bush is no longer in office, things may well be different. The middle east may cool off. Betting on tension to continue seems a long bet to me.

    Russia is talking of backing their currency with gold because they have been in economic crisis. They see that as a last ditch effort to short up a failing system. If you see the EU or the United States do the same, then I'd be worried.

    But back to the original topic about why Apple stock is dropping. I'll say it is a gift to those that don't own the stock -- a chance to buy it for less than $200 a share! :)

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  • jeevesofRKdia
    Apr 6, 03:27 PM
    Shot out of the window on a recent trip back from Pittsburgh. I was a bored passenger and decided to experiment a little. Came across a stretch of trees and thought a longer exposure would make an interesting photo. It's fairly drab, but I like the earthy tones it exhibits. Reminds me of some abstract art I've seen.

    I could definitely see it as a great texture to use for photoshopping something. The earthy tones are definitely nice.

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  • crainial
    Oct 18, 11:37 PM
    Its clear Apple is missing something in the midrange desk top line. Its time for the Cube or Macintosh or headless iMac or Max Mini or something. iMac isnt for everyone and the world has billions of big beautiful displays just waiting for a midrange Mac but if Apple prices it again the same as the towers it will be another failure. Its way past time for the next Macintosh. Needs a real GPU, at least 1 expansion slot and should be priced right along with ugly iMac:D or a pinch below.

    I couldn't agree more. A Conroe machine would fit this bill nicely. I don't have $2500 to spend on a CPU, but want a more powerful desktop. Not that a Mac is a mere PC, but the VAST majority of Windoze PCs are under $600. Why not put out a $700-1000 Mac? Increase the market share even more. Of course then Wal-Mart would want them, a sure sign of the end...

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  • yac_moda
    Jul 12, 06:02 PM
    1 WORDS !!!

    Foam Aluminum nannoMackiBooky :eek:
    "Metcomb's foam is approximately 70% to 85% lighter than solid aluminum. Metcomb says typical parts would have a dense aluminum skin."


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  • BC2009
    Apr 14, 11:40 AM
    So since the "ix.Mac.MarketingName" did not appear on some apps that required GPS -- it can be assumed that the new device does not have GPS capability (which could mean an Mac running Lion in a simulation environment -- hence the "Mac" in the name).

    However, I also read that apps requiring voice input did not get the "ix.Mac.MarketingName" in their requirements and those that did get it were all universal apps.

    Clearly, Macs have voice input capability, so maybe this really is in regard to the AppleTV 2, or possibly even an Apple-branded television like some have suggested recently is coming sooner than we think.

    It sure would have been cool if when they accidentally pushed the code forward that used that resource bundle key that they would have accidentally also brought the resource bundle forward that had the actual product name in it. Although, it is possible that the "Marketing Name" has not yet been decided and a code name like "N98" would not have been too informative.

    Apple certainly has something big up their sleeve for this year as they have been playing things very close to the vest despite the fact that we all know a huge data center is coming online.

    One last guess.... maybe the White iPhone 4 that is on its way is not really an iPhone 4...... Maybe?

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  • iEvolution
    Apr 22, 01:33 PM
    What has apple done that is unethical?

    I consider lack of hardware recalls unethical. They always try to hoard as much money as they can.

    A few examples are:
    1-2007 iPod Touch inverted black issue that was a HARDWARE related problem with the coating on it. Apple just released a firmware update to cover the problem by changing the gamma settings.

    2-iPhone antenna issue, cheap 50 cent bumpers to cover the problem because they think everyone should just be a lab rat for them. Then their attitude that it wasn't a issue until the media exploded all over it. Then they act like children and release all those youtube videos of antenna problems with a bunch of other phones like its acceptable.

    3-2007 Classic/Nano, when initially released these were the biggest pieces of crap, it was like no one even bothered to turn them on before they released it and it wasn't until 6 months later that the classic was updated enough to work decent. Some issues were:
    a) unable to retain ratings if you played any games
    b) extremely slow navigation (esp the classic)
    c) reboot loops for some
    d) coverflow as useless on the classic (though I never used it anyway)
    This was actually the 1st iPod I had to take back because it was so nonfunctional, from this point on it seems quality control has taken a backseat.

    iTunes 7 was ridiculous when syncing any of the 2007 devices it would randomly freeze for 2-3 seconds when you tried to transfer files and it would take forever to get them to sync because of this. Took apple 2 months to even fix it.

    4-The App pack update they charged iPod touch users $20 for then barely a month later they released a update and charged $10 for it and it already included the $20 app... so essentially the early adapters paid $30 in the end.

    5-Their discussion boards are heavily modded and anything negative about their products that they don't like they remove it for no reason. In otherwords, they refuse to look at the criticism with a open mind and instead try to cover it.

    6-The iLounge 3rd gen shuffle review had a not recommended rating on their site and as a response apple denied them access to the next event. They are giant manipulators when it comes to 3rd party reviews of their products.

    7-While I can't say if it is a music industry issue or apple trying to nickle and dime people, but I thought it was ridiculous that they were charging 30 cents to get DRM files for the early adapters like myself (I had well over 700 songs in DRM format). Essentially making people pay $1.30 for each song while if someone new came to iTunes they could get the song for $1 still. (At the beginning iTunes was still a flat $1 charge).

    8-Apple has had SEVERAL display problems (the 27" iMac displays) over the years, once again they attempt to fix these issues with "firmware" updates.

    It seems since around 2007 apple has just dropped the ball ethically, since they are on top in several markets they seem to have cared about nothing but getting as much money out of consumers as possible.

    Sorry but that is how I view it. I think they make some amazing hardware and I own several iPods and I love every single one of them but I think Apple as a company is pretty shoddy.


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  • InfinitiG
    Apr 28, 04:46 PM
    Does this mean the white iphone is 10% more durable?

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  • roar08
    Mar 31, 10:25 AM
    It'll be great if this flows into iOS too.


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  • aswitcher
    Jul 25, 05:39 AM
    The existing iPods already are lickable, though the 3rd gen controls are a little more convenient than the click wheel and button interfaces. Feel free to take my word on this, and if you feel the need to confirm, remember that it's probably rude in most places to lick someone else's iPod without asking nicely first.

    Ok, now I need to see all that in a silhouette Apple add.

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  • Charlie Sheen
    Mar 11, 04:44 PM
    You, I suppose. ;)

    Nice one:D


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  • zephyrusrain
    Apr 28, 06:33 PM
    Dumbest news all day. By all common sense, logic, physics of light, whatchamacallit.

    Black will ALWAYS make things look slimmer. I betcha even Paris Hilton knows that.

    Unless someone has the right mind to at least use a vernier caliper to prove the difference in thickness, this "rumour" is an absolute fail.

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  • mrblah
    Jul 26, 07:43 PM
    A tower is more disirable to people who are new to computers because it looks like youre getting more for your money. Obviously this doesnt apply to everyone, and saying such sacrilige on a Mac forum is going to get a lot of strange looks since the audience would be part of the "not everyone" crowd. But if you actually look at what SELLS rather than what you think people want then youll see that towers are the most sought after among the people looking for maximum value rather than style. People dont care what their computers look like, if they did then why would Dell have such a big market share with their ass ugly cases? PC's arent a fashion statement, theyre a tool. PowerMacs are absurdly priced and will never make a dent in the market share, so those are only options for rich people or enthusiasts that are willing to pay such prices.

    Regardless of anyones opinion on how perfect iMacs are for new computer users, new computer users dont see it that way. They want value and upgradability since that means even more value in the long run. They dont know if they are going to upgrade anything in the future, the fact is that they buy a computer THINKING they will. You cant expect these people to know what you know, or to know that Apple has better quality parts than Dell or HP, they look at things and see computers and thats it. Not Windows, not OSX, just computers with already high prices.


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  • levitynyc
    Apr 29, 02:58 PM
    Remember when tiered pricing was announced, Steve said more songs would be available for $.69 than $1.29...I have yet to see a $.69 song.

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  • Unorthodox
    Oct 24, 07:48 AM
    What's taking santa rose so long?


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  • emotion
    Jul 25, 09:40 AM
    "Today a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed into a smaller vibration, and that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."

    You should really credit Bill Hicks with that excellent quote btw. :)

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  • gri
    Apr 17, 10:48 PM
    The real question is - will the back lit keyboard be reintroduced? I sure hope so. Couldn't care less about gaming but I want to see what I type in a meeting room (and don't get started with the whole "learn to type" BS)...:rolleyes:


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  • ptysell
    Apr 28, 12:11 PM
    So the iPhone went from being pummeled by Android to now just being badly beaten.

    That is Awesome.

    Beaten in terms what what?

    The entire Android platform only generates 1 billion dollars per year in revenue for Google.

    On the flip side, the iOS platform generates 1.4 billion dollars per quarter through the iTunes store for Apple.

    Google hasn't found a way to significantly capitalize on Androids market share and that is a major loss. Hell, Google could take over the other 30% of the market held by RIM/ect. and the yearly Android revenue would still be below Apples quarterly revenue for the iOS platform.

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  • vincenz
    Apr 11, 08:15 PM

    Really nice shot. iPhone wallpaper :)

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  • MSUSpartan
    Apr 5, 12:12 AM (

    Oct 24, 08:15 AM
    there is no option of 7200RPM for the 15 inch model

    Apr 22, 04:40 PM
    I find the ip4 to be way too heavy and awkward to hold. I like this design, it allows weight to be shaved off and perhaps (!) be more ergonomically friendly.

    I agree that the back should be made extra study and NOT in chrome. I see them using the same type of backing as the ipads...

    One more thing that the tapered back will enable is ease of use while its on a desk because the viewing angle will be nicer. On the other hand, it would make it more awkward in landscape mode and for playing game because one side would be thicker than the other. Perhaps its easy to get used to? time will tell!

    Jul 11, 07:42 PM
    If this ipod killer was coming out of MS central (software dev, etc) i wouldn't be concerned. However the team that is working on it (xbox) actually are decently creative.

    Also apparently ms has taken a hands off strategy to let the division develop its own creative culture/workflow. Let us remember what really drives the great products from apple - its the creative synergy of many in a culture of passionate people who truly enjoy making things together - a highly collaborative and insanely cool environment.

    Because the creative capacity of MS sucks they need to make up with it in cash and market strategy. At least they had the sense to give xbox team freedom from the predominantly borgish world of MS - multiple stupids. - sorry couldn't resist.

    Apr 27, 05:12 AM
    That is a dude not a girl.

    Hard to believe everybody just stood around and let those girls assault him like that. As far as the seizure....that looks fake as all get out. I have seen a person have a seizure and it was no way near that violent.

    If a fake seizure is what it takes to get those ****ing animals to stop attacking you, then so be it.

    Apr 16, 02:14 PM
    MacBook Air from late 2010 now boots standard with 64-bit Kernel and Extensions enabled!

    Awesome news. Anyone test this with the old Unibody Macbook/White Macbook ? Is everything now booting into 64-bit by default ?

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